The studies on American artistic production in viceregal times have revolved since their beginnings around the problem of style, meaning, or attribution, among others. In recent years, hand in hand with a look more attentive to social and cultural issues and to interdisciplinary intersections, an inquiry into the materiality of these objects has appeared as unavoidable. In this sense, Materia Americana is a book that, for the first time, brings together the research of leading art historians, chemists, physicists, curators, and museologists concerned with Spanish-American art, and purports to become a reference book for future works on the subject.
Sobre el autor
Gabriela Siracusano holds a PhD in Art Theory and History from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). She is Senior researcher of Argentina’s National Research Council (CONICET). Director of the Centro de Investigación en Arte, Materia y Cultura, Instituto de Investigaciones en Arte y Cultura at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). Professor at UBA and UNTREF. University of Texas at Austin Tinker professor 2018-2019. Getty Scholar 2016, John Simon Guggenheim Fellow 2006-2007 and Getty Postdoctoral Fellow 2003-2004. Author of El poder de los colores (Buenos Aires, FCE, 2005), Pigments and Power in the Andes (London, Archetype, 2011), and La paleta del espanto (Buenos Aires, UNSAM Edita, 2010), among others.
Agustina Rodríguez Romero holds a PhD in Art Theory and History from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). She is an Associate researcher of Argentina´s National Research Council (CONICET). Coordinator of the Centro de Investigación en Arte, Materia y Cultura, Instituto de Investigaciones en Arte y Cultura at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). Her research on the production and circulation of images in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is based at UNTREF. Professor at UBA and of the graduate program at the Universidad de San Martín. She was awarded scholarships from the Getty Foundation, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and CONICET.

Formato: epub
Protección: Adobe DRM
Limitaciones: Copiar/Imprimir/Compartir
Peso: 14.8 mb
Editorial: EDUNTREF
Edición: 2020
ISBN-e 978-987-8359-23-6

Formato: 19 x 25 cm
Páginas: 468
Editorial: EDUNTREF
Edición: 2020
ISBN 978-987-8359-05-2